Darryl & Cathy





Featured Song - Gimme Gimme

A New Direction


djhuels · A New Direction

Featured Video - What the Hell is Going On?

Behind the Scenes: The Musicians

Cathy Huels: The bulk of the songwriting is done by Cathy. She also provides the lead vocals and most of the harmonies. She is an outgoing front person and a loving, kind, and gentle soul. She is the motivation and inspiration of the duo. Cathy does also add occasional percussion, ukulele, and native american flute. She is also the duo's manager, promoter, and agent. 

Darryl Huels: The bulk of the arranging and instrumentation is done by Darryl. He plays the keyboards, utilizing many soft synth plugins for horns, orchestral instruments, bass, guitar, drums, and other instruments. He also occasionally adds accordion, harmonica, melodica, and guitar. The vast majority of the parts are played or scored, wiith looping being used on most drum parts and occasionally with other instruments.



2929 Overture

No Upcoming Gigs

Due to the pandemic

Check out 2020 Overture on YouTube (click pic)

No Upcoming Gigs

Due to the pandemic

Check out The Decision on YouTube (click pic)

No Upcoming Gigs

Due to the pandemic

Check out One Tongue on YouTube (click pic)

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Feel free to contact us! Have any questions, have a comment, just want to say "hey", or maybe you are a fellow musician that would just like to connect; please feel free to complete the form on the left and we will be happy to respond! 

Darryl & Cathy

© Copyright 2021 Darryl & Cathy Huels - All Rights Reserved